One of the biggest misfortunes of modern living is obesity in children. The huge bodies of these children do not permit them to play happily with their peers. Dieting, in addition to battling with the self-esteem problems that obesity usually brings, is an absolute must for obese children. If you have an overweight child, you must try every method possible to get him or her to shed those extra pounds so that he or she can live a normal life. First and foremost, you have to consult your physician and talk to him or her about the most beneficial method for your child to not only lose weight but also maintain good health.
To be frank, if you hesitate to take the basic steps necessary to enable your child to lose that excess weight, you will put your child's health at risk. When we do not permit our children to play on the road or handle guns, why on earth should we let them kill themselves by eating junk foods? If you have an obese child, the following tips will be of immense help to you.
- Do not punish or reward your child with food. Food is one of the major problems your child has to face and using it as a punishment or reward will simply worsen the problem.
- Encourage your child to eat healthy foods instead of fried foods. Do not keep any junk food in the house.
- Pack your child's lunch yourself so that you are aware of what he or she eats. Do not allow the child to buy lunch in school.
- Ensure that your child does not get any junk food outside the house.
- Change the food habits of the entire family. Instead of eating fried snacks, eat healthy fruit and nut snacks. Your child needs fresh fruits, raw vegetables, or frozen yoghurt.
- Study the food pyramid whenever you are in doubt about your child's dietary needs. This will ensure that you give your children a well-balanced diet.
- See that your child does not drink any soft drinks. You will have to face a lot of rebellion initially, but your child will develop an abiding love for the water. Water not only keeps a child full but also digests fat.
- Introduce a lot of physical activity in your child's life. Encourage them to join a dance class, go for a long walk, jog, run, or play football or cricket.
- Don't allow your child to become a couch potato. Keep him or her away from video and computer games. See that your child is active always. Keeping the child active means that he or she now has a healthy alternative to eating. It also means that he or she is burning up all those extra calories.
- If home methods do not work, you could enrol your child in one of the weight-loss camps, specially designed to deal with weight loss and self-esteem issues in children between the ages of seven and nineteen. One of these camps might be the answer to your prayer.
- Let your child follow the example you set. If you refrain from eating junk food or indulge in emotional eating, your child will automatically learn from you and will do the same.
You will notice a change in your child if you follow these simple techniques. Your child will carry himself or herself with confidence as he or she sheds those extra pounds. His or her relationships at school will improve when all the teasing comes to a stop.
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